
Headless-UI for creating timelines, based on @dnd-kit


Headless 🧠

dnd-timeline is a headless-ui library, and contains 0 styling, aside from functional styling (position, z-index, etc.).

Hook-based πŸͺ

Exposes simple hooks like useItem and useRow, that should integrate seamlessly into your existing architecture.

Flexible 🀺

very slim and flexible by design. dnd-timeline exposes utility functions and positional styling, and you can use them in conjunction with your favorite libraries.

Based on dnd-kit

All features exposed by the dnd-kit library are applicable to dnd-timeline.

Performant 🏎️

Renders only when needed. All the intermediate states and animations are done using css transformations, and require 0 re-renders.

Supports RTL 🌍

Natively supports RTL. simply declare one of the parent divs as RTL with dir="rtl", and thats it.

Touch SupportπŸ‘†

Works with touch by default. Sensors can be highly configured using @dnd-kit's sensors.

Last updated

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