
This context holds all the relevant state to manage a timeline. This context is also responsible wrapping you code with the DndContext provided by dnd-kit

The context is also responsible for calling the callbacks you provide it, for the events that happen in the timeline.

The library is fully controlled, so you are responsible for managing state and state-updates.

function App() {
    return (
            // You code here


You will need to wrap your timeline and all of its component in a <TimelineContext>

function App(){
  const [rows, setRows] = useRows()
  const [items, setItems] = useItems()
  const [range, setRange] = useState(DEFAULT_TIMEFRAME)
  const onResizeEnd = useCallback((event: ResizeEndEvent) => {
      const updatedSpan =
      if (!updatedSpan) return
      const activeItemId = event.active.id
// Only update the changed item. This will cause only the changed items to re-render
      setItems((prev) => prev.map((item) => {
          if (item.id !== activeItemId) return item
          return {
            span: updatedSpan,
    }, [])
  return (
      <Timeline rows={rows} items={items} />

You will need to create a <Timeline /> component to use the useTimelineContext inside of it.

function Timeline(props: TimelineProps){
  const { setTimelineRef, style } = useTimelineContext()
  return (
    <div ref={setTimelineRef} style={style}>
      {props.rows.map((row) => 
        // Render rows here...

You can learn how to render rows here:


interface TimelineContextProps {
    range: Range // { start: number, end: number }
    overlayed?: boolean
    onResizeEnd: OnResizeEnd
    onResizeMove?: OnResizeMove
    onResizeStart?: OnResizeStart
    usePanStrategy?: UsePanStrategy
    onRangeChanged: OnRangeChanged
    rangeGridSizeDefinition?: number | GridSizeDefinition[]
    // ...DndContext Props

Event Handlers

dnd-timeline is based on dnd-kit, so all dnd-kit's events and event handlers are also supported here, with a little addition:

Every handler is called with extra information regarding its relation to the timeline.

For example, the onDragEnd event is called with extra data:

const onDragEnd = (event: DragEndEvent) => {
  const overedId = event.over?.id.toString()
  if (!overedId) return

  const activeItemId = event.active.id

  const updatedSpan =
  // update your state using the updated span.

Every event contains a helper function that can be used to infer the item's updated span.

Do not try to calculate the item's updated span on your own. You should call the getSpanFromDragEvent or getSpanFromResizeEvent to get the updated span right before using it to update you own state.

onDonDragStart? | onDragEnd? | onDragMove? | onDragCancel?

The only difference is that the getSpanFromDragEvent function is added to the data of the event's active node.


onResizeMove?: (event: ResizeStartEvent) => void
type ResizeStartEvent = {
  active: Omit<Active, 'rect'>
  direction: DragDirection // 'start' | 'end'

The active object contains the item's custom data, alongside a getSpanFromDragEvent function that should be called with the event to get the updated span.


onResizeMove?: (event: ResizeMoveEvent) => void
type ResizeMoveEvent = {
  active: Omit<Active, 'rect'>
  delta: {
    x: number
  direction: DragDirection // 'start' | 'end'

The active object contains the item's custom data, alongside a getSpanFromResizeEvent function that should be called with the event to get the updated span.


onResizeMove?: (event: ResizeEndEvent) => void
type ResizeEndEvent = {
  active: Omit<Active, 'rect'>
  delta: {
    x: number
  direction: DragDirection // 'start' | 'end'

The active object contains the item's custom data, alongside a getSpanFromResizeEvent function that should be called with the event to get the updated span.



range: Range
type Range = {
  start: number
  end: number

An object defining the viewable range in the timeline. This field is fully controlled.


onRangeChanged: OnRangeChanged
type OnRangeChanged = (
  updateFunction: (prev: Range) => Range
) => void

A callback that receives an update function as a prop. Use this to update your controlled state of range.


overlayed?: boolean = false

This prop enabled/disabled rendering of items when dragging. If using dnd-kit's DragOverlay, this should be set to true.


rangeGridSizeDefinition?: number | GridSizeDefinition[]
type GridSizeDefinition = {
  value: number
  maxRangeSize?: number

Enables and configures snapping in the timeline.

If provided with a number, the value will be the snap grid size.

If provided with an array of GridSizeDefinition, the snap grid size will be the value of the array member with the smallest matching maxRangeSize.

🧠 To create a dynamic snap grid, that is based on the range size, pass in an array of GridSizeDefinition.

  const rangeGridSize: GridSizeDefinition[] = [
      value: hoursToMilliseconds(1),
      value: minutesToMilliseconds(30),
      maxRangeSize: hoursToMilliseconds(24),

For example, the rangeGridSize above will cause the range to have a snap grid size of 30 minutes if range size is smaller than 24 hours, otherwise the grid size will be 1 hour.


usePanStrategy?: UsePanStrategy = useWheelStrategy
type UsePanStrategy = (
  timelineRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>,
  onPanEnd: OnPanEnd
) => void

type OnPanEnd = (event: PanEndEvent) => void

type PanEndEvent = {
  clientX?: number
  clientY?: number
  deltaX: number
  deltaY: number

Enables and configures panning and zooming the timeline.

The default strategy is the useWheelStrategy, which uses ctrl + wheel to zoom in and out, and shift + ctrl + wheel to pan left and right (cmd/ctrl on MacOS).

Last updated