Zoom & Pan

dnd-timeline provides a default interaction that works as following:

  • ctrl + scroll: zoom in and out, biased by cursor position.

  • ctrl + shift + scroll: pan right and left.

(cmd instead of ctrl on macOS)

dnd-timeline also allows you to override this behavior, and implement you own zoom/pan interaction.

You can do so by passing you custom pan strategy to the usePanStrategy prop on the TimelineContext.


Custom Zoom & Pan Strategy

The pan strategy is a custom hook, that receives a ref to the timeline and a callback that should be called to trigger a zoom / pan action.

The hook is of the following structure:

type UsePanStrategy = (
  timelineRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>,
  onPanEnd: OnPanEnd
) => void

type OnPanEnd = (event: PanEndEvent) => void

type PanEndEvent = {
  clientX?: number
  clientY?: number
  deltaX: number
  deltaY: number


The amount of pixels panned on the X axis. This will then be translated into symmetrical changes in the start and end of the timeline's range.

For example, a deltaX will be translated into addition / subtraction of respective amount of value both in the start and end of the range. rtl is taken into account.

clientX and clientY have no effect on this translation.

This will create the effect of panning right and left on the timeline.


The amount of pixels scrolled on the Y axis. This will then be translated into asymmetrical changes in the start and end of the timeline's range.

If clientX and clientY are not provided, a deltaY will be translated into mirrored addition / subtraction of respective amount of value both in the start and end of the range.

If clientX and clientY are provided, a deltaY will be translated into similar changes to the start and end of the range, but biased by the client's cursor position in relation to the timeline. If the client's cursor is closer to the end of the timeline, the zoom in/out will be directed towards it.

This will create the effect of zooming in and out of the timeline.


This is an example to the default strategy, useWheelStrategy:

export const useWheelStrategy: UsePanStrategy = (timelineRef, onPanEnd) => {
  useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const element = timelineRef?.current
    if (!element) returntax

    const wheelHandler = (event: WheelEvent) => {
      if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) return


      const isHorizontal = event.shiftKey

      const panEndEvent: PanEndEvent = {
        clientX: event.clientX,
        clientY: event.clientY,
        deltaX: isHorizontal ? event.deltaX || event.deltaY : 0,
        deltaY: isHorizontal ? 0 : event.deltaY,


    element.addEventListener('wheel', wheelHandler)

    return () => {
      element.removeEventListener('wheel', wheelHandler)
  }, [onPanEnd, timelineRef])

Last updated