
This hooks can be used to access the timeline's state, and also provides a set of useful helper functions.



style: CSSProperties

A set of mendatory style properties, that must be applied to the timeline container element.


timelineRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>

The timeline container element's ref.


setTimelineRef: (element: HTMLElement | null) => void

A ref setter that must be passed to the timeline's container element.


valueToPixels: (value: number) => number

A helper function that receives a value, and returns the pixel representation in relation to the timeline's container element.

🧠 It can be used to infer elements' size and position in pixels, based on their duration. It is internally used in order to position items on the timeline.


pixelsToValue: (pixels: number) => number

A helper function that receives pixels, and returns the equivalent duration for it, in relation to the timeline's container element.

🧠 It can be used to convert size and position to a value. It is internally used to infer items' update spans according to their updated position/width, in relation to the timeline's container element.


getValueFromScreenX: (screenX: number) => number

A helper function that receives x position in the client's screen, and returns a date representation of that position, in relation to the timeline's container element.

🧠 It can be used to infer a time value from a mouse event. For example, you can use it to extract a date from a click event on the timeline.


getDeltaXFromScreenX: (screenX: number) => number

A helper function that receives x position in the client's screen, and returns the delta X distance from the timeline's start.

🧠 It can be used to infer a relative position for a custom item from a mouse event. For example, you can use it to place a custom item on the timeline from a pointer event.


getSpanFromDragEvent: (event: DragEvent) => Span | null

A function that extracts span from a drag event. The drag event type can be one of the following:

type DragEvent = DragStartEvent | DragEndEvent | DragCancelEvent | DragMoveEvent

This function is injected into all of dnd-kit's events, and allowes you to infer the dragged item's span from the event object. For example:

const onDragEnd = (event: DragEndEvent) => {
  const updatedSpan =
  // update your state using the updated span.


getSpanFromResizeEvent: (event: ResizeEvent) => Span | null

A function that extracts span from a drag event. The drag event type can be one of the following:

type ResizeEvent = ResizeStartEvent | ResizeMoveEvent | ResizeEndEvent

This function is injected into all of dnd-timeline's resize events, and allowes you to infer the dragged item's span from the event object. For example:

const onResizeEnd = (event: ResizeEndEvent) => {
  const updatedSpan =
  // update your state using the updated span.

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